Monday, April 28, 2014

Rules of Heat

1.  Bring more water than you think
2.  Go as early as you can.  At least in Hueco it doesn't cool down in the afternoons.
3.  Get where you're going and stay there.  Too much walking in the sun is bad for bouldering.
4.  Don't lay down.  This will kill any remaining motivation you had.
5.  On really hot days try to be out of the park or done training by 11am.  After that the heat just gets oppressive.
6.  Don't climb in the sun (not recommended anytime of the year).

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hueco Mashup Vid

Hueco Tanks in a Blender from sammyd on Vimeo.

Here's a little vid from Hueco

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

wake up and smell the flowers

Hueco season is not 100% over but Colorado season is just around the corner. There's a fine line between training too much and wrecking yourself for the present and not training enough so that you can send fast at 10000 leagues above sea level in Chaos. . Here's a video too of a new thing that Matt Gentile cleaned up in flag that I was able to do over spring break. There has been a lot of development in flag recently. Check out it out roof town bouldering.
cutthroat from Sam T on Vimeo.